SP395 SoundPro Audio Integrator
Operation Manual
Maximum Sweep Frequency
– Indicates the maximum frequency graphed in the
Amplitude Sweep test. Adjustable field in octave steps to 40 Hz.
Generator On/Off
– Turns the generator on or off. Starts the frequency sweep to perform
the Amplitude Sweep test.
Generator Output
Level – Adjusts the output level of the generator used during the
Amplitude Sweep test.
Generator Sweep Frequency
– Indicates the generator frequency as it begins and sweeps
through the selected range.
Amplitude Sweep Operation
Set up Output
Connect any of the SP395’s outputs to the input of the device being tested.
Set up Input
Select the appropriate input range that provides the highest range while
avoiding clipping. Turn off phantom power if it is on. Connect the output of the device
being tested to the LEFT input.
Set up sweep endpoints.
Using the fields below the graph to each side of it, set the
desired sweep start and stop frequencies. The lowest frequency is 20 Hz, the highest
frequency is 20kHz.
Start / Stop
Start the test by turning on the generator. Wait for the sweep to finish. You
can stop a test by turning off the generator while the test is running.
View results.
You can change the graph window by using the fields to the left of the
graph window. The top field moves the entire graph up and down, in 5dB steps, and the
bottom field changes the bottom dBu setting, in effect changing the vertical dB range of
the graph. Together these fields give you the flexibility to set up the screen the way that
you want it for a particular application.
Use the cursor to display the exact dB level of any point on the screen.
The test results of the Amplitude Sweeps can be stored in any of the 40 non-volatile memories,
using the icons on the bottom toolbar. To access the memories, follow these steps:
Select a memory number
Use the memory number field to select a memory number.
When the memory number field is selected, the type of memory stored (or “---“ if empty)
will appear on the bottom of the screen. The memory type for the Amplitude Sweeps is
Store memory.
Click on the S (Store) icon to store the memory to the current memory
Recall memory.
To recall a memory, click the R (Recall) icon. If the memory is the
wrong type, an error message will appear momentarily.
After recalling a memory, you can use the graph control fields and the cursor to read out
individual data values. These memories can be transferred to the PC/Mac using the
Transmit Data function located in the Utilities menu, using either the ATB Interface or
TerraLink program.
Real-time Interface
The Amplitude sweep can be used with TerraLink software. The software enables you to
see the test results in real time on the screen of a PC or Mac computer. See the TerraLink
section of this manual for more information.