SP395 SoundPro Audio Integrator
Operation Manual
Any of nine ANSI Class 1 octave-band filters – 31, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000,
4000, and 8000Hz.
Any of 25 ANSI Class 1 1/3 octave-band filters.
If you are using the Audio Integrator as the signal source for the audio system:
Turn the generator on by clicking the "on/off" field.
Adjust the generator output level.
Read the SPL level.
Leq is defined as the linear average of the sound pressure level over a period of time. You can
use this to determine if noise standards are being met. The LEQ function computes and displays
the time-averaged sound level. When an A-weighting filter is used to measure the time-averaged
effects of noise, this measurement is often called LAeq.
Leq measurement screen.
The following fields and parameters are displayed in the Leq Screen:
- Standard unweighted (flat), A-weighted, and C-weighted filters are
available. These weighting networks make SPL readings correspond more closely to what
our ears hear. Ten ANSI Class 1 octave-band filters – 31, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k,
8k, 16 kHz; and 30 ANSI Class 1 1/3 octave-band filters are also available. Highlight the
field and press the control knob. Rotate the knob to the desired filter and click to select it.
- The SPL reading in the upper right is a peak-hold SPL reading. Highlight the
"Max" field and click the control knob to reset this reading.
Linear Averaged Sound Level dB
– Leq measurement value.
Time Duration of Test
- Select time interval of test including 10 sec, 1, 5, 10, or 15 min.
or 1, 8, or 24 hrs. Can be set to Manual for manual starting and stopping of the test
Elapsed Time
- This field shows the time that the input sound level has been averaged,
in hours, minutes, and seconds since the start of the test.
- This field starts the time or interval for the test measurement. This field
also resets the time interval to start a new test during or after a previous Leq test interval.