SP395 SoundPro Audio Integrator
Operation Manual
Leq Operation:
Connect a microphone
to the L input. Apply phantom power and set the gain range.
Select the desired filter
: Choose from A or C -weighting, an octave or one-third octave
band, or flat (unweighted). A-weighting is often desired when noise is being measured.
Select the time.
Choose from 10seconds, 1, 5, 10, or 15minutes, or 1, 8, or 24 hours. Or,
select Manual and start and stop the LEQ test yourself.
Click Start.
After a 2 second delay, the SP395 starts averaging the incoming sound. It
stops automatically at the end of the selected time, or, if you are in Manual mode,
continues to run until you click Reset.
Note: To avoid the possibility of incorrect averages, do not use Auto-gain in the Leq function. Pick a
range that will handle the highest expected SPL without clipping through the length of the LEQ test.
The SP395 can be used as a Noise Dosimeter for noise surveys, hearing conservation programs,
community noise studies, machinery noise evaluations, and occupational noise analysis. The
Noise Dosimeter meets ANSI S1.25-1991 and ASA 98-1991 specifications.
The Dosimeter test screen.
The following fields and parameters are displayed in the Dosimeter test screen.
Control Fields
Criterion - Criterion Level
The Criterion Level is the 8 hour dB exposure level that is
considered a 100% Dose. For most regulating agencies, a 100% dose occurs with an
average sound level of 90dB over an 8-hour period.
Threshold Level –
Test Function:
Identifies current test function as Dosimeter
Exchange Rate -
Three Exchange Rates are available: 3 dB ISO, 4 dB DOD, and 5 dB
OSHA. The Exchange Rate affects how sound energy is averaged over time. The ISO 3
dB standard, used by most users, causes the reported Dose to double for every 3 dB
increase in the time-weighted average sound energy. The DOD 4 dB standard, used by