3. FLASH test
4. EEPROM test
5. Ethernet test
<ESC> Back, <ENTER> Refresh
Figure C-2
Hardware test menu within Bootloader Menu Program
When the user selects [Auto test], a test of all the hardware components is performed automatically.
Hardware Test
Select menu
0. Test Mode - One time
1. Auto test
2. DRAM test
3. FLASH test
4. EEPROM test
5. Ethernet test
<ESC> Back, <ENTER> Refresh
-----> 1
******* Hardware auto-detect and auto-test *******
DRAM Test in progress ----------------------------------------[16384KB]
DRAM Test ----------------------------------------------------[SUCCESS]
Flash Test Status---------------------------------------------[ 100 %]
Flash Test ---------------------------------------------------[SUCCESS]
EEPROM : A Type exist
EEPROM Test ------------------------------------------------- [SUCCESS]
Ethernet chip test--------------------------------------------[SUCCESS]
PING from : 64 bytes of ethernet packet.
64 bytes from : seq=0 ttl=255 timestamp=285068 (ms)
64 bytes from : seq=1 ttl=255 timestamp=286063 (ms)
64 bytes from : seq=2 ttl=255 timestamp=287064 (ms)
64 bytes from : seq=3 ttl=255 timestamp=288065 (ms)
******* Hardware auto-detect and auto-test SUMMARY *******
1. DRAM Test -----------------------------------------------[SUCCESS]
2. FLASH Test -----------------------------------------------[SUCCESS]
3. EEPROM Test-----------------------------------------------[SUCCESS]
4. PING Test -----------------------------------------------[SUCCESS]
PRESS any key to continue!!
Figure C-3
Hardware test screen within Bootloader Menu Program
For each hardware component test, the user can skip a test by pressing the <ESC> key.
Hardware Test
Select menu
0. Test Mode - One time
1. Auto test
2. DRAM test