: Do not turn off the power while downloading the firmware. This will cause serious system
Figure 7-9 Firmware upgrade
To use either a Telnet or serial console to upgrade your firmware, the Telnet or terminal emulation
program must support Zmodem transfer protocol.
To upgrade firmware via Telnet or serial console:
1. Obtain the latest firmware.
2. Make connection using a terminal emulation program.
(Telnet is recommended since the process of firmware upgrade by serial console may be
3. Select from the firmware upgrade menu as shown in
Figure 7-10
4. Follow the online directions and transfer the firmware binary file using the Zmodem
protocol as shown in
Figure 7-11
5. Once the upgrade has been completed, the system will reboot to apply the changes
6. If the firmware upgrade fails, the UPSLink will display error messages as shown in
. It maintains the current firmware version.
Welcome to UPSLink Configuration
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Login : admin
Password : *****
Welcome to UPSLink configuration page
Current time
: 2003/05/19 10:32:22 F/W REV. : 2.0.3
Serial No. : UPSLINK-0304001 MAC Address
: 00-01-95-04-20-30
IP mode : Static IP
IP Address :
Select menu
1. UPS configuration
2. Network configuration
3. Serial port configuration