Currency setting
You can decide here what currency you wish your timer to accept (coins or
bills). At power up, the peripherals detected will send their internal configura-
tion to the circuit. From there, you can decide to accept or not the currency.
In the Timer 5500TX, there is only a coin acceptor as you cannot fit a coin
changer or a bill acceptor.
Press the Black button until
Currency setting
is visible. Press on the Green
button to enter. The display will most likely show $0.05 coin YES (accepts 5¢
or NO (rejects 5¢). Press on the Red button to modify the setting. Press on
the Green button to confirm the setting and move to the next currency. Re-
peat for all coins.
Session length
This is where you program the length of a time session. The maximal time a
session can last is 99 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. When Session
length is visible on the display, press the Green button and it will show the
current setting (i.e.: hh:mm:ss 00:04:00). Note the first digit is blinking. Press
on Red to increase this digit of Blue to decrease. Once the good value
reached, press the Green button to move digit. Repeat the process until all
digit are programmed.
Session rate
This is where you program the price of the time session you just programmed
on the previous step. When visible on the display, press the Green button
and the current rate will be visible with the first digit blinking. Press on Red to
increase this digit of Blue to decrease. Once the good value reached, press
the Green button to move digit. Repeat the process until all digit are pro-
This is the rate on which the timer will be calculated according the money in-
Session Mode
You have the choice between Continuous or Preset. When Session mode is
visible on the display, press on the Green button to see the current setting.
Press on Red to modify it.
In the case of the Continuous mode, it is possible to stop the time and get a
refund of the unused portion of time paid if there is a coin changer in the timer.
In Preset, the time bought must be consumed till the end. As there is no pos-
sibility to install a coin changer in the Coin Timer 5500TX, needless to pro-
gram Continuous as no change can be given out.