Sega Phantasy Star Online v2 Instruction Manual Download Page 16




Damage Trap causes a certain degree of damage. Throat Trap disables players to

move quickly for a cer tain time. Freeze Trap freezes players and disables to mo ve for a cer tain time.
Chaos causes players a mess by switching usual operation inputs to the other for a certain time.


A certain number of sonar will be dist ri b u ted to playe rs like traps, when a Battle is sta rted. Wi th

one time use of sonar, a sound inte rval will notify you of a distance bet ween you and the player closest to
you. For instance, if you hear a sound with a short inte rval, the other player is nearby. Howeve r, bewa re
that the other player closest to you will also be let known the distance bet ween him and you. 



In the CHALLENGE MODE, you can start gameplay from all areas in the specific status, and go into a
deeper level. Unlike other modes, no level setup of dif ficulties will be set in this mode. Also, this mode
can be played only between the users of “ PSO Ver.2 “ and only in the ONLINE MODE. Participating in
the game in the middle of play is not possible. 

The playe rs defe a ted by oth e rs will be powe red up by a certain level and get an adva n ta ge .

H ow high the power will be up va ries upon the ru l e s .


Results will appear on the screen after the time limit te rm i n a tes and a battle is

finished. DRAW will be displayed if the Battle ends a draw. Press 


to close the screen with the results, and

p ress 


to re - d i s p l ay the re s u l t s .


A fter pressing 


and closing the window with results, Playe rs exc e pt

the TEAM leader can chat or move around areas until the TEAM leader gets the window displayed to select th e
n ext BATTLE. The other playe rs may chat and discuss over matte rs such as whether th ey will ch a n ge the ru l e
s etup at the hunter guild, or re-battle by the previous rule setup. Discuss the rule setup with your TEAM members .
See p. 26-27 for chat inst ru c t i o n s .


The window for the next BATTLE selection will be displayed on

the screen after the TEAM leader press 


to close the screen with results and presses A. Then select “ Yes, No

or Back to Lobby .“ Note that only the TEAM leader can make selections on this window. 
Yes……. Playe rs can play the next BATTLE by the same ru l e s .
No……. The window for the next BATTLE selection will be closed. 
B a ck to Lobby…… All the TEAM members will go back to the visual lobby.


The data, which will be sa ved in the BATTLE MODE, is the win or

lose results data displayed on the window with results. Beware that the pla yers’ status or items modified
after receiving the rules will not be reflected.


In the BATTLE MODE, you can not only battle by the rules set at the

guild counter but also explore Ragol like a normal adventure. Your data will also be saved.
You can also be damaged by your TEAM players’ attack during an exploration in the BATTLE MODE,
and it will give you a joy of exploring in a higher level. Note that you will need to pay more attention to
your TEAM players’ position as well as s tatus unlike in a normal pla y.


When making a TEAM in the visual lobb y, select “CHALLENGE MODE.“

Players will be transferred to the hunter guild in the city after inputting and selecting the registration
requirements. The player who made this TEAM will be the leader of it. See p.11 for details and
instructions of the visual lobby as well as for making a TEAM.


Select a sta ge after speaking to the opera tor in the Hunte rs Guild.

The sta ges you can select will depend on the smallest number of the sta ges cleared by your TEAM members
p a rticipating in ga m e p l ay

A fter using 

$ ^

and selecting a sta ge list, press 


to ente r. You may press 



cancel the selection. Once you select the sta ge, you will be tra n s fe rred to the sta rt point of the sta ge. Howeve r,
be advised that the data saved in the main game will not be re fl e c ted in the CH A L L E NGE MODE.


When you are tra n s fe rred to the sta rt point of the sta ge selected at the Hunte rs

Guild, kick off the ch a l l e n ge!  Proceed and ex p l o re areas to gether with your TEAM members .


• Eve ry player sta rts a play in his initial setup value. 
• You cannot go back to the city befo re clearing the sta ges selected. Also, TELEPIPE and

RYUKER may not be used.

• A fallen player cannot be rev i ved with REVERSER, MOON ATOMIZER and MAG, howeve r,

S CAPEDOLL can rev i ve it. 

• The mode will be te rm i n a ted upon th e re and all the TEAM members will be auto m a t i c a l ly

b rought back to the Hunte rs Guild if HP of one of the participants in the TEAM falls to 0.


The sta ge will be cleared once you proceed all areas of the sta ge. You can ch a l l e n ge

the sta ge you cleared once again. You will get a prize after clearing all the sta ges. The prize will be saved in
the ch a ra c ter data in the main file. Make sure to keep a free space in the items. (If you keep more than 30 ite m s
and don’t have enough space, you will be unable to get a pri z e . )


When the HP of one of the playe rs participating in the game goes down to 0 and th e

p l ayer falls, the CH A L L E NGE will be failed and all the playe rs will be auto m a t i c a l ly brought back to the city. 
The point the player fell will be saved when a player falls and the CH A L L E NGE is failed. In the next ch a l l e n ge in
the CHALLENDE MODE, you will find a Grave - m a rk of the Valiant set on the point.  The info rmation of the fa l l e n
p l ayer will be displayed if the playe rs appro a ch the Grave - m a rk.



Summary of Contents for Phantasy Star Online v2

Page 1: ...and 30 blocks are required to save the guild card file Additional blocks are required to save any downloaded files This game saves automatically when you quit While saving or loading data never turn...

Page 2: ...PSO characters have their names displayed in white Therefore if you convert a PSO file to PSO Ver 2 the character s name will be displayed in yellow When you convert a PSO file to PSO Ver 2 to play y...

Page 3: ...t Keyboard sold separately to Control Port B C or D D PAD ANALOG THUMB PAD Select Characters Enter to display text B BUTTON Delete 1 Character X BUTTON Toggle Screens Y BUTTON Close Keyboard TRIGGER L...

Page 4: ...TINUE instead If you re creating more than one character the Serial Number Access Key Input screen will be displayed each time when Character Select is selected The currently registered Serial Number...

Page 5: ...PSO Ver 2 After you clear the game at this level this screen will appear the next time you play Use to select either NORMAL or HARD and press A Press B to cancel Clear the game in HARD to earn the ri...

Page 6: ...transporter located in the corner to move between visual lobbies within a BLOCK Another feature available on the SHIP selection menu is a quest downloading service which you can use to download and s...

Page 7: utilize the Shortcut Window to switch weapons during the battle use items and techniques or select traps while playing the BATTLE mode While holding R press Y to display a window at lower left Pres...

Page 8: ...ructing simple sentences from a number of pre selected phrases with the controller This system is 5 language English French German Spanish and Japanese compatible so all messages created and sent will...

Page 9: ...ot be equipped at cur rent experience level Item can Never be Equipped A speciality item with slot usage Photon efficiency etc WHITE GREY X GREEN A TOUR OF PIONEER 2 A TOUR OF PIONEER 2 17 This is the...

Page 10: ...Offline you will receive the entire reward but online the reward will be distributed among all the members of your team evenly QUESTS 18 There are three basic forms of attack the Attack Heavy Attack a...

Page 11: ...via Technique Discs found or purchased see p 16 Each technique requires a certain level of experience to be used Also the ef fectiveness of each technique increases the higher its level To use Attack...

Page 12: quest information etc Your item pack can hold a maximum of 30 total item types including weapons and armor at a time Use to make selections and press A to enter Press B to return to the previo...

Page 13: ...e to display the available Photon blast actions Then press the corresponding controller button Remember that your mag can only do this once their level is high enough Essentially a Photon blast is the...

Page 14: ...Mail See p 27 and if the player is in the visual lobby you can select Meet in lobby to be transported to where that player is located 1 2 3 GAME DISPLAYS MENUS GAME DISPLAYS MENUS 27 You can input and...

Page 15: ...on the saved data It would be never a loss that the players fall and drop off weapons because the players status before receiving the rules will be already saved once by then Note that power loss may...

Page 16: ...LOSE In the BATTLE MODE you can not only battle by the rules set at the guild counter but also explore Ragol like a normal adventure Your data will also be saved You can also be damaged by your TEAM p...

Page 17: ...llen and returned to the Hunters Guild ONLINE MODE CAUTION When the memory card is removed while playing online the network connection will be cut off On that instance the contents of the game at the...
