If “Loop” is selected the user will be prompted to enter a loop number:
If the panel does not have a printer connected or if the user selects “Screen” under the report
to menu only one address will be displayed. The user will be prompted to enter this address:
Once the report is on display it will list all the parameters of all the subaddresses related to the
device. In this display “Crt.” indicates report line number, “S/A” indicates device current
subaddress, “Parm#” indicates parameter number from the current subaddress, and “Val#”
indicates the paramter value.
5.10.4 Clear Logs
Clears the logs stored in the flash memory. Use the
cursor keys to the desired
log to be cleared and press the
A message prompts for confirmation.
After confirmation the logs are cleared and the following information message is displayed:
5.10.5 Walk Test
Initiates a silent or audible Walk Test. The following occurs when in Walk Test mode:
Generates a non-latching trouble that clears after exiting the walktest.
Cancelling the walk test is done by pressing the
button or if no circuit activations
are detected for one hour.
1. All
2. Loop
Loop Number
Loop: _
Device Address
Loop: _ Devaddr:___
Crt. S/A Parm# Val
1 000 01 002
2 000 02 034
3 000 02 003
Select Log
1. Alarm Log
2. General Log
3. All Logs
Clear all the
Selected log (s)?Y/N
Log(s) cleared