Picture 4.20 NTP
The NTP server must be installed in the PC.
Host computer IP:
Input the IP address installed NTP server.
Default: 123. You can set the port according to NTP server.
Time zone:
London GMT+0 Berlin GMT +1 Cairo GMT +2 Moscow
GMT +3 New Delhi GMT +5 Bangkok GMT +7 HongKong Beijing GMT +8
Tokyo GMT +9 Sydney GMT +10 Hawaii GMT-10 Alaska GMT-9 Pacific time
GMT-8 American mountain time GMT-7 American mid time GMT-6 American
eastern time GMT-5 Atlantic time GMT-4 Brazil GMT-3 Atlantic mid time
Update Period:
The same with the NTP server check interval. Default:
EMAIL setup
If the alarm is turned on or the alarm linkage photos are taken, send an
email about the alarm information and the photos to appointed address.
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