SM-B69 User Manual - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 1.1 - Author:A.R - Reviewed by M.B. - Copyright © 2020 SECO S.p.A.
LID#: LID Switch. Input, active low signal, +3.3_ALW electrical level with a 10k pull-up resistor
BATLOW#: Battery Low indication signal from the Carrier Board. Input, active low signal, +1.8V_DSW electrical level with a 10k pull-up resistor
I2C_PM_CK: Power Management I2C Clock. It is managed by Microchip MEC1705 controller. +1.8V_DSW electrical level with a 2k2 pull-up resistor
I2C_PM_DAT: Power Management I2C Data. It is managed by Microchip MEC1705 controller. +1.8V_DSW electrical level with a 2k2 pull-up resistor
CHARGING#: Battery Charging Input Signal from the Carrier Board. Input, active low signal, +3.3V_DSW electrical level with a 10k pull-up resistor
CHARGER_PRSNT#: Battery Charger Present input from the Carrier Board. Input, active low signal, +3.3V_DSW electrical level with a 2k2 pull-up resistor
TEST#: Signals used to invoke from Carrier Board specific test function(s). Input, active low signal, +3.3V_DSW electrical level with a 10k pull-up resistor. At the
moment, this function is not implemented and reserved for its use in the future.
SMB_ALERT_1V8#: SM Bus Alert# (interrupt) signal. Input, active low signal, +1.8V_DSW electrical level with a 2k2 pull-up resistor
Boot Select
The following signals are active low and driven by open/ground circuitry on the carrier board.
BOOT_SEL0#: Boot Device Selection #0. Input, +1.8V_DSW electrical level with a 10k pull-up resistor
BOOT_SEL1#: Boot Device Selection #1. Input, +1.8V_DSW electrical level with a 10k pull-up resistor
BOOT_SEL2#: Boot Device Selection #2. Input, +1.8V_DSW electrical level with a 10k pull-up resistor
FORCE_RECOV#: Force recovery Mode. Input, +3.3_ALW electrical level with a 10k pull-up resistor