SM-B69 User Manual - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 1.1 - Author:A.R - Reviewed by M.B. - Copyright © 2020 SECO S.p.A.
Serial Cameras
The Intel
family of SOCs formerly coded as Apollo Lake contains a processing subsystems (PS) which is an advanced Image Signal Processor (ISP) and the Input
Subsystems (IS) composed by two MIPI CSI2 controllers, supporting imaging sensors connected to it.
There are two MIPI-CSI2 interfaces available. The CSI0 interface supports two lanes, the CSI1 interface supports 4 lanes.
/CSI0_CK-: 2-lane CSI Input Clock Differential Pair
C/CSI0_RX0-: 2-lane CSI Input Differential Pair 0
C/CSI0_RX1-: 2-lane CSI Input Differential Pair 1
/CSI1_CK-: 4-lane CSI Input Clock Differential Pair
C/CSI1_RX0- 4-lane CSI Input Differential Pair 0
C/CSI1_RX1-: 4-lane CSI Input Differential Pair 1
C/CSI1_RX2-: 4-lane CSI Input Differential Pair 2
C/CSI1_RX3-: 4-lane CSI Input Differential Pair 3
I2C_CAM0_CK: I2C control interface clock signal to configure the camera sensor for MIPI-CSI #0. Bi-Directional between the module to the Carrier board, electrical
level +1.8V_RUN.
I2C_CAM0_DAT: I2C control interface data signal to configure the camera sensor for MIPI-CSI #0. Bi-Directional between the module to the Carrier board,
electrical level +1.8V_RUN.
I2C_CAM1_CK: I2C control interface clock signal to configure the camera sensor for MIPI-CSI #1. Bi-Directional between the module to the Carrier board, electrical
level +1.8V_RUN.
I2C_CAM1_DAT: I2C control interface data signal to configure the camera sensor for MIPI-CSI #1. Bi-Directional between the module to the Carrier board,
electrical level +1.8V_RUN.
CAM_MCK: master clock output for CSI camera support from the SMARC carrier board.
SATA interface signals
The Intel
family of SOCs formerly coded as Apollo Lake offers two S-ATA interfaces, but one of them is internally multiplexed with USB 3.0 and used for this
The interfaces are Gen3 compliant, with support of 1.5Gbps, 3.0 Gbps and 6.0 Gbps data rates
Here following the signals related to SATA interface:
/SATA_TX-: Serial ATA Channel #1 Transmit differential pair
/SATA_RX-: Serial ATA Channel #1 Receive differential pair
SATA_ACT#: Serial ATA Activity Led. Active low output signal at +3.3V_RUN voltage
10nF AC series decoupling capacitors are placed on each line of SATA differential pairs.