XI. Care and maintenance
Every SeaLife SportDiver underwater housing is inspected for quality, including a 130ft (60m) pressure
chamber test to ensure a waterproof seal. It is your responsibility to properly care for housing and maintain the
O-ring sealing area. Carefully follow these important O-ring care instructions. Not following these care
instructions may cause the waterproof housing to leak and void your warranty.
The underwater housing is depth tested to 130ft (40m). Exceeding this depth may cause the housing to
flood and may result in damaging the underwater housing and inner camera.
Do not directly or indirectly expose the underwater housing to spray-on sunscreens. Most spray-on
sunscreens contain chemicals that may react with polycarbonate and other plastics, causing cracks that
compromise the waterproof seal. If sunscreen gets on the housing, clean it with moistened soft cloth.
Soak the sealed housing in fresh water for about 20 minutes after underwater use or if the housing
becomes dirty. Push each button 20 times to flush out saltwater, sand or dirt trapped under the buttons.
Use clean, soft cloth to dry housing. Make sure that you and the waterproof housing are completely dry
before opening the waterproof door.
Store camera and housing only after careful cleaning and when totally dry. Keep the housing’s waterproof
door slightly open when storing for more than 3 months.