3) Slide the aileron on the wing panel until
there is only a slight gap. The hinge is now
centered on the wing panel and aileron.Re-
move the T-pins and snug the aileron against
the wing panel. A gap of 1/64” or less should
be maintained between the wing panel and
4) Deflect the aileron and completely satu-
rate each hinge with thin C/A glue. The ailer-
ons front surface should lightly contact the
wing during this procedure. Ideally, when
the hinges are glued in place, a 1/64” gap or
less will be maintained throughout the lengh
of the aileron to the wing panel hinge line.
Note :
The hinge is constructed of a special ma-
terial that allows the C/A to wick or penetrate
and distribute throughout the hinge, securely
bonding it to the wood structure of the wing
panel and aileron.
5) Turn the wing panel over and de-
flect the aileron in the opposite direction
from the opposite side. Apply thin C/A
glue to each hinge, making sure that the
C/A penetrates into both the aileron and
wing panel.
6) Using C/A remover/debonder and a
paper towel, remove any excess C/A glue
that may have accumulated on the wing
or in the aileron hinge area.
C/A Hinge.
C/A glue.
7) Repeat this process with the other wis-
panel, securely hinging the aileron in place.