Instruction Manual
To avoid scratching your new aero-
plane we suggest that you cover
your workbench with an old towel.
Keep a couple of jars or bowls handy
to hold the small parts after you open
the bags.
Please trial fit all parts. Make sure
you have the correct parts and that
they fit and are aligned properly be-
fore gluing! This will ensure proper
assembly as the PT-19 is made
from natural materials and minor ad-
justments may have to be made.
The paint and plastic parts used in
this kit are fuel proof. However, they
are not tolerant of many harsh chemi-
cals including the following: paint
thinner, cyano-acrylate glue accel-
erator, cyanoacrylate glue de-bonder
and acetone. Do not let these chemi-
cals come in contact with the colours
on the covering and the plastic parts.
The control surfaces, including the
ailerons, elevators, and rudder, are
prehinged with hinges installed, but the
hinges are not glued in place. It is
imperative that you properly adhere the
hinges in place per the steps that follow
using a high-quality thin C/A glue.
1) Carefully remove the aileron from one of
the wing panels. Note the position of the hinges.
2) Remove each hinge from the wing panel
and aileron and place a T-pin in the center of
each hinge. Slide each hinge into the wing
panel until the T-pin is snug against the wing
panel. This will help ensure an equal amount
of hinge is on either side of the hinge line when
the aileron is mounted to the aileron.