Manual revision 017
Section 5: Operating System
SBE 33
If you selected
Check Scan Length
in the Options menu, Seasave
checks the .xmlcon or .con file to verify that the scan length defined by
the configuration file matches the CTD (i.e., number of sensors and
inclusion of NMEA and/or Surface PAR is as defined in the file). If a
Scan length error
appears, verify that:
You are using the correct .xmlcon or .con configuration file.
The configuration file has been updated as necessary if you added
or deleted sensors, added or deleted NMEA, etc.
Seasave sends a message:
SBE 19, 19
, 19
V2, 25, or 25
: Seasave message is
Please turn on the . . .using the magnetic switch
. If you have
already started logging data, ignore the message; otherwise,
move the switch to the On position. For the SBE 19, there may be
a wait of up to 1 minute before data appears; for the other CTDs,
data starts appearing in a few seconds.
SBE 49: Seasave message is
Waiting for data . . .
. Data starts
appearing in a few seconds.
times out
if data is not received within
Timeout in seconds
at startup
Real-time data then starts appearing in the screen displays.
To fire a bottle from Seasave, do one of the following:
Press Ctrl F3, or
In the Real-Time Control menu, select
Fire Bottle Control
. The
dialog box appears (you can leave this open throughout the cast).
If you selected Sequential or Table driven in the Water Sampler setup
(Step 2B), the Bottle Fire dialog box displays the number of the next
bottle to be fired. If you selected User Input in the Water Sampler
setup, select the bottle you want to fire next. When desired, click
Fire Bottle.
When Seasave receives a bottle fired confirmation from the Water Sampler,
it writes a line to an output file (same filename as the data file) with a .bl
extension. The .bl file contains the bottle firing sequence number, bottle
position, date, time, and beginning and ending scan number (to provide
1.5 seconds of scans) for the fired bottle.
To stop logging and real-time data acquisition:
For an instrument that was started by movement of a switch (such as
SBE 19, 19
, 19
V2, 25, or 25
), move the switch to the
off position.
In the Real-Time Data menu, select
For an instrument that was started by command, close Seasave. Open
Seaterm, establish communications with the CTD, and send the
appropriate command to stop sampling. Then send the command to
put the CTD in quiescent (sleep) state (sleep state not applicable to
the SBE 49).
The SBE 19 (not 19
or 19
and 25 (not 25
) CTD must be in
quiescent (sleep) state when the
magnetic switch is turned on to start
logging data. If not, when the switch is
turned on the CTD will
log data. A
common problem is that
communications are established with
the CTD using Seaterm, and then
Seaterm is exited without putting the
CTD into quiescent state with
When 2 minutes pass without any
communication between the computer
and CTD, the CTD times out and enters
quiescent state automatically. To ensure
that Seasave works correctly, verify that
the CTD is in quiescent state or is
already logging data when Seasave
is started.
See the SBE Data Processing manual
and/or help files for processing data in
the .bl file.