Manual revision 017
Section 3: Setting Up System
SBE 33
Section 3: Setting Up System
This section covers:
Installing Sea-Bird software
Setting the baud rate in the CTD
Setting up and testing the SBE 33
Changing communication settings between the SBE 33 and computer
Setting up the CTD configuration (.xmlcon or .con) file
Installing Software
Seasoft V2 was designed to work with a PC running Windows XP service
pack 2 or later, Windows Vista, or Windows 7.
If not already installed, install Sea-Bird software programs on your computer
using the supplied software CD.
Insert the CD in your CD drive.
Install software: Double click on
. Follow the dialog box
directions to install the software. The installation program allows you to
install the desired components. Install all the components, or just install
Seaterm (terminal program), SeatermV2 (for use when directly
communicating with an SBE 19
V2 or 25
), Seasave V7 (real-time
data acquisition), and SBE Data Processing (data processing).
The default location for the software is c:\Program Files\Sea-Bird. Within that
folder is a sub-directory for each program.
Help files provide detailed
information on the software.
NMEATest, a NMEA navigation
device simulation program, is part of
the SBE Data Processing
Separate software manuals on CD-
ROM contain detailed information on
Seasave and SBE Data Processing.
Sea-Bird supplies the current
version of our software when you
purchase an instrument. As software
revisions occur, we post the revised
software on our website. See our
website for the latest software
version number, a description of the
software changes, and instructions
for downloading the software.