Manual revision 017
Section 2: Description of SBE 33
SBE 33
The SBE 33 has three operating modes and two diagnostic modes, as well as
two NMEA depth options and two Surface PAR options, and selections for
setting and displaying communication parameters and start-up behavior.
Mode is selected in the setup menu while communicating with the SBE 33
with Seaterm (see
Setting Up and Testing System
Section 3:
Setting Up System
1: Echo only
Characters to and from CTD pass through SBE 33.
No NMEA or Surface PAR data is sent. Useful for
setting up CTD without needing to disconnect CTD
from system and connect it directly to computer.
2: Add Lat/Lon to
hex data
7 bytes of hex latitude/longitude data is added to
each line of hex data from CTD. Used when
position data is required with CTD data. If Options
4 and/or 6 are selected, NMEA depth data and/or
Surface PAR are also appended.
3: Transmit Lat/Lon
Data from CTD is not transmitted. Hex latitude/
longitude data is converted to ASCII text whenever
a new position is received from NMEA device.
Format is:
LAT 47 37.51 N
LON 122 09.41 W
If NMEA message RMC is decoded, date and time
display on next line. Format is:
4. Add NMEA Depth to
real-time Hex/Lat/Lon
3 bytes of depth data (for example, from a NMEA
echo sounder) is added to each line of hex data from
CTD, after lat/lon data.
5. Do not add NMEA
Depth to real-time
Hex/Lat/Lon data
NMEA depth data is not added.
6. Add PAR to real-
time HEX data
3 bytes of Surface PAR data is added to each line of
hex data from CTD, before lat/lon/depth data.
7. Do not add PAR to
real-time HEX data
Surface PAR data is not added.
Settings and
Start Modes
8. Change
communication settings
and start mode
Set/reset baud rates, data bits, and parity, NMEA
baud rate, and start mode (whether SBE 33 starts in
Operating Mode 1 or 2 when power applied).
9. Display
communication settings
and start mode
Display settings set up in Mode 8.
10. Enable diagnostic
level 1 (transmit raw
NMEA messages)
All NMEA messages received are echoed to
computer in
form. Used to determine which
NMEA messages are being received by SBE 33.
11. Enable diagnostic
level 2 (transmit
decoded NMEA
All NMEA messages received are decoded by
SBE 33 and displayed on computer. If you select
mode 10 and then select mode11, SBE 33 transmits
raw data followed by decoded data.
In Seaterm, use the
character to access and exit
the setup menu.
The SBE 33 must be in
Mode 1 if trying to send
commands to the CTD
through the SBE 33 and
Water Sampler.
To enter diagnostic modes
(10 and/or 11), first put the
SBE 33 in Mode 3. Then,
enter a 10 or 11 at the mode
selection prompt.
To exit diagnostic modes
(10 and/or 11), turn off power
to the SBE 33.