operation & user guide
operation & maintenance
ignition instruCtions
Before any ignition ensure the damper and primary air is open in order to accelerate combustion and
evacuate the fumes. This adjustment should then be reduced as the fire has stabilised in order to
maintain a longer fire term and avoid any possible overheating. The door of the fireplace should be closed
in order to avoid any risk of back-flow.
Always slowly and gradually light the fire; split wood and fire starters are recommended. It is strictly
forbidden to use any volatile substances including; methylated spirits, gasoline, solvents or the likes as
these will result in a risk of explosion or thermal shocks by a sudden rise of temperature.
oPErating thE WooD BurnEr With thE Door oPEn ExPosEs you to MultiPlE
haZarDs (Falling EMBErs, sMokE EMissions in thE rooM, EtC.). alWays oPEratE
thE aPPlianCE With thE Door ClosED.
preCautions for tHe first ignition - Cure witH 10 small fires
The first ten fires should be light, moderate and not overly loaded with wood. We recommend a small fire
consisting of 3-4 logs weighing around 3kg in total.
It is strongly recommended that no person(s) come into contact with the external faces of the appliance
without the protective gloves provided, this will avoid any ‘marking’ on the paint surface prior to it being
cured. The paint will polymerise after several fires. Do not scrub or clean the fireplace with any rough
surface (such as a sponge). In the case of accidental scratches, make several fires until the paint is
cured, at which time you can delicately clean the outside of the appliance with a hot sponge. do not
scratch or rub the fireplace while it is lit. It is recommended contact with the fireplace should be kept to
a minimum. Do not paint the fireplace using products NOT recommended by the supplier, please contact
your authorised dealer should you require further assistance.
avoid scratches and markings on your appliance by not placing any objects on your appliance during
operation and when not in use.
A strong burning smoke odour may be smelt during the first several fires, it is therefore recommended to
ventilate the premises by opening windows/doors in order for the paint to cure. this phenomenon will
disappear after these initial burns cycles.
ligHting tHe fire
The fire is started with the airways open. The fire-lighting starter and the combustion control must allow
maximum air intake. In order to limit smoke emission, it is preferable to use the inverted or top-down fire
lighting method (see illustration below). An initial load of 3kg of wood provides a good layer of embers.
5. inStall GUide
By sliding the ash Grate back, the primary airflow can be adjusted. figure 3 shows the ash Grate in the
fully-closed position.
axis ash gratE installation (ContinuED)
Figure 3. Both Ash Grates pictured here in the fully-closed position.