ZEro ClEaranCE assEMBly guiDE ContinuED..
step 4: assemble baCK panel
Note: This step applies to Single Sided appliances only.
assemble the back panel to the back of the top, sides and base
panels and securely screw into place.
ensure all screws are positioned tightly through the allowed
provision holes and the box is securely assembled.
step 5: insert Zero ClearanCe boX
Place or insert the zero clearance box into the allowed non-
combustible base (minimum 25mm thick) and fix the base of
the zero clearance to this using two fixing screws.
it is highly recommended that this step be
completed at frame stage.
step 6: insert unit
Using the appropriate equipment of platform insert the firebox
into the zero clearance box already fitted to the cavity.
Ensure the wall finish is complete prior to fitting the trim.
4. Zero clearance aSSemBly
step 7: fitting tHe trim
Ensure the trim is lined up with the top of the firebox, then
proceed to press the trim into place into the four corners of the
zero clearance box and secure.
5. inStall GUide
step 1.
ensure all components required are prepared.
step 2.
If a floor protector (hearth) is to be used, position now, refer to clearances (pg. 7 & 8) for a guide
on the appropriate positioning to accompany clearances and the floor protector (hearth).
step 3.
Position the appliance, refer to clearances (pg. 7 & 8) for minimum requirements.
step 4.
Prior to proceeding ensure both the zero clearance, firebox and hearth are fixed in position.
step 5.
Refer to Flue System Installation (pg. 17) & AS/NZS 2918:2018.
Part a - FirEBox installation
Prior to proceeding with installation thoroughly investigate the materials composing the surrounding
back walls, floor and ceiling of the desired position of the firebox. Combustible heat degrading
materials, electric wiring or gas piping MUST NOT be located within the distance specified by the
clearances (pg. 7 & 8). Ensure the flooring can support the weight of the appliance(see weight in
specifications). ALL preparatory work required prior to installing the firebox (external air intake etc)
must be completed before proceeding with installation.
We strongly recommend installing the appliance in a weather tight room. Dust from works may be
deposited on the appliance and burned when it is commissioned, causing ceilings to blacken. it is
therefore recommended that all preparatory works be completed prior to installing the appliance.
FirEBox loCation