Version 3
Reports Tab
Lists all of the information inputted or generated during the digestion process.
Module is the module in which the
digestion was completed in. Method is
the method that was selected from the
method list used to complete the digestion
Vessel Type is either Quartz or Teflon
used in the rack for the digestion
Status lists the completion of the method
or other safety messages of problems
during the run
Rack is the name of the rack and is user
definable on the Module tab. Tube is the ID
of the sample inputted prior to starting the
digestion on the Module-1 tab
Delete is used to delete the report from
the reports file
Save to USB allows one to save the
digestion report on a USB stick in PDF
format for archiving
MSN (Module Serial Number) Is the actual
serial number of the module the digestion
was run on.
The graphical representation provides a historic data of the digestion using the average
temperature profile of the digestion run. Time is listed in minutes and temperature in
degrees Celsius.