Version 3
Digestion Tab
During the digestion this screen informs
the operator of the progress of the
The digestion tab only becomes
active when once the Start Digestion
is pressed. The button only starts the
digestion for the module of the number
in the Module tab. It will be either -1, -2,
-3, or -4. The Green LED on the front
of the
module will start to
flash the appropriate number once this
button has been pressed.
The Stop button stops the digestion of
the module list to on the Module-2 tab.
The line in the bar graph is in yellow when the digestion is coming to temperature. The black number (175 in picture above) represents the set
point temperature and the white number is displayed the current average temperature (21). When the set point temperature is reached the bar
graph turns green for the hold time of the method selected. The bar graph turns blue when the method has reached the end of time.
This graphical representation is shown in real time. The temperature displayed is the average of the total vessels being digested.
When the method is complete, the
Finish button is pressed to complete the
transfer of data to the reports page for
Press the Finish button to allow the
module to run the next set of samples.
The information is then stored on the
controller on for future retrieval from the
Reports tab.