I can see the images on my media inserted in the Card Reader, but how do I
download them to my computer.
PC Compatible:
Images and data can be downloaded or transferred to your computer using basic
Windows file transfer techniques. Two of such techniques are drag and drop as well as
copy and paste.
For information on drag and drop as well as copy and paste, please refer to your
“Windows Help” file on Windows 98, Me and 2000, or “Help and Support” on Windows
XP, under the "Start" button located in the lower left corner of your Windows desktop.
Once you have opened "Windows Help", begin by clicking on the
tab. This will
display the contents of the "Windows Help". Now scroll down to and double click on
"copying files, folders".
You may also consult any usage literature provided with your
Windows operating system as well. To access information on copy and paste as well as
drag and drop on Windows XP, simply enter copy and paste into the search bar.
When a card is mounted, it can be used in the same fashion as a floppy or removable
disk. Double-click on the icon to open its respective file window. Once you have opened
the file window, holding down the option key, drag and drop the desired images from the
media to a location of your choice.
I am trying to write to my Memory Stick card, but I am getting an error that the
Memory Stick is write protected or locked.
Please make sure that the lock tab located on the bottom of the Memory Stick media is
not in the lock position. Locking your Memory Stick media is a safety feature that
prevents writing to and deleting from your Memory Stick.