(Instruction for Use)
SW 2.9
General Information
Version 2.9.7 dated 2020-12-23
Page 12 of 75
Unauthorized attempt to repair, to service or modify the product, or if the service is performed
by persons who are not authorized by SCHWIND. The same applies should it be determined
to have contributed to the malfunction of the equipment. This could result in being invoiced
at current price list rates.
Use of parts, accessories and/or components other than those provided by SCHWIND.
Use of the product by persons who are not trained by SCHWIND or instructors who are not
authorized by SCHWIND.
Hardware or software neither supplied nor authorized by SCHWIND.
Use of instructions which have been provided by means of telephone or facsimile, unless it
has been shown that SCHWIND acted with intent or negligence to cause damage.
Recommendations provided in this manual for pre- and post-operative LASIK procedures are
based on the experience of LASIK surgeons. SCHWIND will not be liable for damage which
may result from following these recommendations.
Exclusive Warranties
The foregoing warranties and remedies are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties,
express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
correspondence with description, and non-infringement, all of which are expressly
The above mentioned exclusion of liability is void if the cause of damage is based on intent
or gross negligence. Furthermore, it does not apply to damage due to lack of a warranted
quality and claims under product liability.
This warranty is constructed according to German Law. German Courts will be solely
License Agreement
The license agreements realized between the licencee and SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH
are binding.
Copyright © 2002-2021 SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH, Kleinostheim.
All rights reserved.
Pages or parts of this document may not be reproduced or passed to third parties in any form,
i.e. either electronically, mechanically or by any other means without prior written authorization
by SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions.
All names of other companies and their products mentioned in this manual could be trademarks
or registered trademarks.
Quoting of product names is for information only and does not represent any trade mark misuse.
SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions is not liable for the performance or the use of these products.