To remove an electrode from the carrier foil that they are on inside of the pack-
aging, hold one end of the electrode and gently pull it off of the foil. Please never
tug at the cable, because that might damage the electrodes.
Remove the electrodes from the skin in the same manner once therapy has been
completed, without tugging at the cable.
To release the cable between the PhalliMax and the electrode from the electrode,
hold both plug connectors and pull them apart. Never tug at the cable itself.
Stick the electrodes back onto the carrier foil after each use and put them back
into the polyethylene bag.
To ensure that the electrodes last as long as possible, store them in a cool place,
e.g. in the refrigerator.
Do not use the electrodes in temperatures below + 5 °C or over + 35 °C.
Any gel residue can be easily removed from the skin using water and soap.
4.2 Loop electrodes
The loop electrode is made of conductive silicon rubber and is reusable. In the
treatment of erectile dysfunction, it is placed around the penis and connected to
the PhalliMax by the cable. When using the loop electrode, you will always need a
self-adhesive electrode to serve as a opposite-electrode.
Clean your skin with water and soap before attaching the electrodes. It should
be dry and as free of oil as possible.
Do not affix the electrodes to damaged or diseased areas of skin.
Coat the loop electrode with electrode gel and place it in the region to be stimu-
Close the loop enough so that the loop electrode is firmly in place, but not so
much that it causes any constriction.
Clean the loop electrode after each use with lukewarm water and soap.