01.00|WSG |en
HOMING - Referencing the gripper fingers
This command provokes a homing to reference the position of the
gripper fingers.
A homing is necessary before executing any movement com-
mands. If homing is carried out in the direction in which a better
positioning accuracy is required, the best positioning result is
During homing, the fingers will move to the mechanical end stop.
The homing sequence has to be configured on the
Settings -> Mo-
tion Configuration
page of the web interface. You can set the di-
rection of homing (inbound or outbound) as well as enable auto-
matic homing on startup.
During homing, soft limits are disabled. Obstacles in the move-
ment range of the fingers and collisions with these during homing
may result in a wrong reference point for the finger position!
Command Flag Position:
Bit 3
Parameters used:
Status Code:
The STATUS CODE register is immediately set to E_CMD_PENDING
and to the command’s result when it has finished.
Grasping State (GSTATE):
During homing, the grasping state is IDLE.
System State (SYSSTATE):
During movement, the MOVING flag is set to 1. If the gripper is re-
ferenced, the REFERENCED flag is set to 1.