EN | 29
6.1 General SCTMi functions
6.1.1 Device identification
Device identity
The IO-Link protocol provides a range of identification data for compliant devices that can be used to
uniquely identify a device copy. The SCTMi also includes more detailed identification parameters.
All of these parameters are ASCII character strings that adapt their length to the relevant content.
The following can be queried:
Manufacturer's name and website
Product series and exact type name
Part number and development status
Serial number and date of manufacture
Version status of the hardware and firmware
SCTMi type key
User-specific localization
The following parameters are available when saving user-specific information in every individual copy
of the SCTMi.
Identification of the installation location
Identification of the storage location
Identification of the device tags on the circuit diagram
Installation date
Web link to the relevant IODD
The mentioned parameters are ASCII character strings with the maximum length given in the
data dictionary. They can also be used for other purposes if necessary.
The “NFC web link” parameter is a special feature. This parameter must include a valid web address
beginning with http:// or https:// and is automatically used as a web address for NFC read accesses.
As a result, read accesses from smart phones or tablets are rerouted e.g. to an address in the
company's own intranet or a local server.