38 | EN
6.8.1 Lifting loads
1. Position the suction pad directly above the load. Do not lift the load
at an angle.
2. Press the actuating lever (1/2)
– put the actuating lever into the
“Lower” position. The vacuum lifting tube of the device relaxes and
the tube lifter is lowered.
3. Lower the suction pad onto the load. Ensure that the load is
distributed evenly.
4. Slowly release the actuating lever (1/2). The load is picked up and
begins to rise from the ground. Always maintain contact with the
operating element or push-button.
5. The load reaches its highest point when the button has been
released completely.
6.8.2 Lowering and setting down loads
1. Move the load to the desired location.
Slowly press the actuating lever (1/2) and move it into the “Lower”
(1) position. The lift tube of the device relaxes and the suction pad
lowers together with load.
3. When the load has reached the place where you wish to deposit it
and is positioned securely, press the push-button (1/2) past the
first pressure point until it locks into the “Lower” (2) position. The
suction pad can now be released from the load.
Risk of injury from falling load
If the actuating lever of the vacuum tube lifter JumboFlex is pressed
down abruptly to the limit stop, the load and operator handle will drop
suddenly since the vacuum has been completely removed.
Never press the actuating lever abruptly down to the limit stop.
Always press the actuating lever slowly and carefully to allow time to
react to the response from the vacuum tube lifter Jumbo.