Installation and commissioning DATAEAGLE 4XXX Compact
Chapter 3
– Structure
3.1. System description
The system DATAEAGLE 4xxx is used for a transparent
Ethernet data transmission. It consists of a radio master and
up to 4 radio slaves (depending on the device type).
The series DATAEAGLE 4xx2, 4xx3 and 4xx5 is optimized
for Profinet and openSAFETY via UDP.
Up to 6 Profinet devices or 16 Safety Nodes (SN) can be
connected to one or more radio slaves (depending on the de-
vice type).
The radio links work like an Ethernet cable.
Each radio module is identified by its address.
Subsequently the terms Ethernet and Profinet are used
equivalently. Differences are described where appropriate.