Basic conne ction
Ensure all the ca bles a re disc onnec ted fro m the main u nit be fore co nnect ing to AC power
sour ce by AC pow er ad aptor.
Rea d throu gh the instru ctions befor e conn ecting other equip ment.
Connecting to AC power source
Before connect ing to AC power, push the
POWE R ON/OF F switch to OFF.
AC adap tor
To powe r outle t
Main unit
Video CD
Title number
Chapter number
Time number
Playback control (PBC)
Track number
Thi s refer s to a high-d ensity optica l disc on whi ch high-qual ity pict ures a nd sou nd ha ve bee n
obt ained by mea ns of digital signals. Inco rpora tion a new video co mpres sion te chnol ogy
(MP EG II) and h igh-de nsity r ecord ing tec hnology, DV D enab les ae stheticall p leasin g
full -motio n vide o to be recor ded ov er long perio ds of t ime (fo r insta nce, a whole movi e can
be record ed). D VD ha s a stru cture consis ting o f two 0 .6 mm thin discs w hich are adhe red
to e ach ot her. Since th e thinner the disc, the hig her th e dens ity at w hich the informati on can
be record ed, a D VD di sc has a grea ter ca pacity than a single 1.2 m m thic k disc . Since the
two thin d iscs ar e adhered to each other, there is the p otential to a chieve double-side d play
som etime in the future for ev en lon ger du ration play.
Thi s contains re cordin gs of p icture s and sound whose quali ty is on a par with th at of v ideo
tap e. This playe r also suppo rts Vid eo CD s with playba ck con trol (v ersion 2.0).
The se contains record ings o f musi c whic h are c ompre ssed, allowi ng a significantly la rger
am ount o f music to be stored on a C D.
Rec orded onto s ome D VD di scs ar e scen es which hav e bee n simu ltaneo usly s hot fro m
a number of different a ngles (the same sc ene is shot from th e fron t, from the le ft side , from
the right s ide, etc.). W ith suc h disc s, the ANGLE butto n can be use d to view the scene from
diff erent a ngles .
Thi s is the appe arance of the dialo gue at the bo ttom o f the s creen which are pr erecor ded on
som e DVD discs .
The se nu mbers are re corded on D VD dis cs. Wh en a d isc co ntains two or more movie s, thes e
mo vies ar e num bered as title 1, titl e 2, etc.
The se nu mbers are re corded on D VD dis cs. A title is s ub- divided i nto ma ny sections, each
of w hich i s numb ered, and sp ecific parts of vide o pres entati ons ca n be s earche d quic kly
using these num bers.
Thi s indic ates the play time w hich has elapsed from th e start of a d isc or a title . It can be
use d to fin d a sp ecific scene quickly.(It m ay not work w ith so me dis cs.)
Thi s is rec orded on a V ideo C D (ve rsion 2 .0). The sce nes or inform ation to be v iewed
(or listene d to) c an be select ed inte ractiv ely wit h the T V mon itor by looki ng at t he me nu
sho wn on the TV moni tor.
The se nu mbers are as signed to the track s whic h are r e- corded on Video CDs a nd CD s. The y
ena ble sp ecific tracks to be l ocated quick ly.
De finitio n of terms
Rechargeable Battery Use
The player built-in a rechargeab le Lith ium ba ttery
-Connect the adapt or to the DC 12V IN jack, then s et the unit in POWE R ON mode ,
(THE P LAYIN G MO DE) fo r fully charg e.
-Set in POWE R OF F mod e for fu lly charge.
And th e indic ator is red du ring c hargin g; it g ets gre en wh en cha rging compl eted.
Recha rge an d play back time de pends on ba ttery p ack ca pacity and th e tem peratu re con dition.
Gener ally sp eaking , the b attery needs to be charg ed abo ut 3 hours .
-.The n ormal worki ng con dition tempe rature is: 0 ~ 45;
-.Alwa ys unp lug AC /DC p ower s upply for the unit w henev er not playin g.
NOTE: A new batte ry whic h has not be en use d or o ne wh ich has not b een us ed for more than a
month , may a ppear to not be rec harge d enou gh, th is is d ue to t he cha racteristic of this b attery
and is not a m alfun ction. In this case, rechar ge it tw o or th ree ti mes b efore t he firs t use
and it n eeds more t han 6 hours to rech arge b attery.
Noises may b e gen erated durin g rech arging . In thi s case , use a more distan t powe r sock et.
Do not recha rge or discha rge ba ttery n ear a heatin g elem ent su ch as a heat er or d irect s unligh t.
1.Char ge the batte ry
2. Tim e to re charg e the batter y
3. Usin g and Main tainin g Rechargeable B attery
IN PUT9-12V---
Summary of Contents for DVDP7-22637
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