
F or JPEG picture CD , sele ct the folder you
want to pla y by th e navi gation button s and
pres s ENT ER button to confir m.
T he file s in th is fold er are d ispla yed an d
select your pictur es by using t he up/ down
navigation button s and press ENTE R butto n to
start playb ack. Th umbn ail of p icture will be
displayed w hile y ou scr olling across the fil e
nam e.
- SH UFFLE: All th e files will be rand omly
sorted an d play by the order.
- RA NDOM : rand omly s elect a ny file to pla y.
- SIN GLE: play one file only.
- RE PEAT O NE: r epeat one file.
- RE PEAT ALL: a ll the files in the fol der
will b e play ed rep eated ly.
- RE PEAT O FF :a ll the f iles in the fo lder wi ll be
counter- clockwise
Press RIGH T nav igation butto n to ro tate
th e pictu re clo ckwise .
Press LEFT navig ation button to rota te
th e pictu re
Skip t o next/previous picture
Press NEXT butto n to sk ip to th e nex t pictu re
or PR EV bu tton to skip t o the p reviou s pictu re.
If no k ey is p resse d for 5 secon ds, it w ill ski p
to next pictu re aut omatically.
Rotating pictures
P ress U P nav igation butto n to fli p the
pic ture ve rticall y.
P ress D OWN navigation b utton to flip
the picture horiz ontall y.
Flipping pictures
Duri ng pla yback , pres s MEN U but ton to
re turn to folde r sele ction o r STO P but ton to
e nter p review mode .
Pres s REP EAT b utton to cha nge p lay mo de:
O nce a f older a nd file is sel ected, the pi cture
is load ed on to the screen .
: The time t o load and di splay picture
dep ends o n the f ile size of the pictu res.
If the pictur e is en larged , you may pr ess
navig ation button s to se e othe r porti ons
of the pictu re.
Picture Zoom
8.After that, press D OWN button to select REPEAT to set repeat playing mo de, press EN TER
button you ca n select :Single/Fo lder /Off. Or Press REPEAT button to change play mode.
- Sin gle: pl ay one file on ly.
1 .The USB slo t of this unit can not con n ect with the removable t ray.
2.When in playing mod e, if you wa nt to use the UP/DOWN/L EFT/RIGHT buttons on th e unit, you
must pres s STOP butt on to stop th e player.
- Fold er: all the files in th e fold er will be pla yed.
- Off: to resume no rmal p layba ck.
9.Sel ect MODE, p ress E NTER button, you can se lect: N ormal / Shuffle/ Mu sic int ro
10.Pr ogram :
1)w hen playing mp3, p ress R IGHT button , then press UP/DOWN a nd EN TER to
choose edit mode , and t hen pr ess LE FT an d ENT ER to choos e the m usic y ou wa nt.
2)After that, pre ss RIG HT an d ENT ER to choos e add to prog ram, a nd the n pres s UP
and E NTER to cho se pro gram view, n ext pr ess U P to ch oose e dit mo de an d then
press LEFT and E NTER to cho ose th e mus ic, pre ss PLAY/EN TER to play t he mu sic.
11.Ca ncel p rogram:
1)After pr ogram , press STOP twice , and p ress R IGHT to cho ose edit mode and then
press LEFT to cho ose th e mus ic you would like to cance l and press ENTER to co nfirm
your operat ion.
2)Press R IGHT and ENTER to choose cle ar pro gram, next p ress R IGHT to cho ose
brow se view and r eturn to play in ord er.
Connecting a memory card
R emar k
1)Power-on the unit.
2)Make sure no disc has been inserted inside the tray.
3)Insert a compatible mem ory card inside the connector.
4)Press the USB/CA RD/D VD button from the remote con trol to start.
: Depending on the capa city o f the device, the rea ding c an take more than 1 minu te
before lauching the video .
Th e uni t cann ot rea d my m emory car d.
-C heck f irstly t hat yo ur mem ory c ard is compa tible w ith the unit. Suppo rted m emory cards are
SD , MS, MMC ,SDHC forma ts. We have tested this u nit wit h most of the marke t's me mory cards ;
w e cann ot how ever g uaran tee a f ull com patib ility wi th all the card s in th e mar ket be cause of the
multiple techn ology standa rds in use. S hould you ha ve a c ompat ibility proble m: ple ase us e a
memory card w ith a l ower c apacity (2GB or low er) or else c onnec t the u nit thr ough a USB device .
B e ll e
Pr ess ZO OM button t o ente r the zoom
mo de
Press FF button to enlarge pict ure to
100%, 125%, 150% and 200 %
Press FR bu tton to shrink pictu res to
50%, 75%, and 100%
Summary of Contents for DVDP7-22637
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