Important safety instructions -please read carefully
and keep for future reference
To r educe the ris k of fir e or el ectric shock , do no t expo se this produ ct to
wat er, rain or mo isture . To pr event the risk of ele ctric s hock, do not remove
the cover or bac k of thi s prod uct. In case of prod uct fa ilure, o nly qu alified
pers onnel can re pair. T here are no user-s ervice able p arts in side.
Use of co ntrols, adjus tments , or pe rformance o f proce dures other than
tho se spe cified herein may result i n dang erous radiat ion exposure .
Thi s prod uct is r ated a s LAS ER CL ASS 1 PROD UCT.
CA UTION : Lase r radia tion w hen open - n ever s tare in to the laser beam.
Dan gerou s tens ion in side t he pro duct ! Do not open. Risk of el ectric shock ! No parts
can be repaired by the end- user. Only q ualifi ed per sonne l can repair and mainta in this
Where to instal l the product
Proper ve ntilation
Do not ex pose t he pro duct to high temp eratures, m oisture, water and dust.
Electric supply
If th e electric cord is da mage d, it must be replac ed by the ma nufacturer o r qual ified after-sales
pers onnel in ord er to avoid any dan ger.
The product mus t be in stalled in accordan ce wit h local laws.
Dam aged batter ies mu st be p roper ly disp osed. In orde r to protect the environm ent, p lease
disp ose th e batt eries p roperl y, in accorda nce with local laws (information is ava ilable at you r
res eller).
-Place the product on a straig ht, rig id and stable place . Do not plac e the p roduc t on a carpet .
-Do not pla ce the produ ct on top of anothe r that may ca use overheating (for exa mple, a
rece iver o r ampl ifier).
-Do not pla ce an ything under neath the pro duct (for example, CDs o r magazines ).
-Place the product in a sufficiently-a erated place to avoid overheating. Allow at least 10cm
spacing at the ba ck and top o f the p roduct, and 5cm sp acing on both sides to pr event
overheatin g.
-Do not pla ce ite ms such as n ewspa pers, tablec loth, c urtains, in fro nt of t he ven tilating
ope nings.
-The apparatus s hall not be e xpose d to dr ipping or spl ashing . No object f illed w ith liqu ids,
such as va ses, s hall be place d on th e app aratus .
-Do not pla ce oth er item s close to th is pro duct th at may damage it (for example, objec ts
containing water or lightened candl es).
-No naked flame sourc es, such as l ighted candl es, sho uld be place d on the apparatus .
-Please un plug t he pro duct in case of prol onged non-u se.
-Thi s product is intended to be used under temperate c limate and s hould not be used under
tropical cl imate.
-If th e supply cab le is d amaged, it m ust be replaced by the m anufacturer or qualified
after-sales personnel t o avoi d any danger.
-Thi s product mu st be connec ted to an ele ctrical supply 230V ~ 50Hz.
The plug must b e acce ssible after install ation.
-Do not use the p roduc t with a batte ry diff erent f rom the one provided.
-CAUTION : Explosion risk if the battery is not replaced correctly. D o not a ttempt to replace t he
batt ery wi th a dif ferent batter y version.
-Batteries (battery pac k or ba tteries installed) shall no t be ex posed to excessive heat such a s
sunshine or fire or any other heat sources .
-If a fter being ch arged, the ba ttery autono my is reduce d by h alf, the user must s upervise the
nex t charg e. Caution, a dama ged battery may cause a dangerous therma l overheating.
-On ly use this pr oduct with the AC a daptor provi ded.
Summary of Contents for DVDP7-22637
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