2. Everyday Operation
There are several different ways of setting the system. For all methods
(except using a Keyswitch) you must enter your access code at the keypad.
The Keyswitch method uses a key in a special switch fitted to your premises.
"Setting the System" below describes each method. Ask your Installer to
provide the method that suits your site best.
During installation the Installer programs the system to create an exit route
for your premises. When setting the system you must follow this route to
leave the premises. Similarly you must follow a specified entry route when
going into the premises in order to unset the system. If you stray from these
routes you may cause a false alarm.
How Do I Know if the System is Working?
The Power LED always glows when the mains power is present. If the Power
LED flashes slowly then mains power is off, and the system is working from
its internal battery. If the Power LED is dark then the system is dead.
When the system is set, a Level LED glows to show which Level key was
used. When the system is unset, the Day LED glows. However, the Installer
can program the system to hide these displays. Ask your installer how the
system is set up.
If you wish to test the system and its detectors, see "4. Special Functions -
Testing the System".
Setting the System
Timed Final Set
With Timed Final Set the system sets after a programmed exit time has
expired. Ask your Installer to make sure the exit time is long enough for you
to leave the premises and close the final door.
Close all doors and windows.
Key in your access code at the keypad.
Press the appropriate Level key.
The exit time starts when you press the Level key. During the exit time
the Level LED flashes and the keypads give a continuous exit tone to
warn you that the timer is running.
If you hear an interrupted tone from the keypads or internal sounder
then one of the detectors is operating. The keypad shows the zone
number of the detector. Make sure that all doors and windows are
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