3. After an Alarm
3. After an Alarm
When your system raises an alarm you must disarm it in order to switch off
the sounders and strobes. The system keeps a record of which zone(s)
triggered the alarms, and shows the zone number(s) on the keypad display.
Once you have disarmed the system, the system must be reset before you
can start using it again.
Fire Alarm
The system gives a fire alarm by sounding a warbling tone from the keypads
and alarm sounder. The display shows the letters "Fr".
Evacuate the premises and call the Fire Brigade. Do not attempt to
unset the alarm.
When the premises are safe, follow the instructions below.
Disarming the System
Go to the keypad via the entry route.
Key-in your access code.
The sounders go quiet, the Day and Fault LEDs glow, and the display
shows the letter "c" with the zone number of the first detector to be
triggered. You may also see the Service LED glowing.
Establish the cause of the alarm.
Carry on to reset the system.
Resetting the System
There are three different methods for resetting. You can tell which method
your system uses by looking at the Service LED after an alarm.
If the Service LED is dark then the system uses Customer Reset.
You can reset the system yourself from the keypad.
If the Service LED glows after an alarm then your system uses
Engineer Reset. Call your alarm company and ask for an engineer
to visit the premises to reset the system.
If the Service LED glows after an alarm and your system is con
nected to a central monitoring station then your system may use
Remote Reset. Your alarm company will give you instructions over
the phone and a special code so that you can reset the system
from the keypad.
496247 Issue 4