© Scania CV 2011
Lubrication system
Oil grade
The engine oil must at least meet the requirements for one of the following oil
-ACEA E3, E4 or E5
- The Total Base Number (TBN) should be at least 12-13 (ASTM 2896).
- Check with your oil supplier that the oil meets these requirements.
- Specified oil change intervals apply provided that the sulphur content of
the fuel does not exceed 0.3% by weight. If the sulphur content is
greater than 0.3% but no more than 1.0%, the oil change interval must
be halved (200 hours).
- Viscosities are shown in the figure below.
- For operation at extremely low outdoor temperatures: Consult your
nearest Scania distributor on how to avoid starting difficulties.
Oil analysis
Some oil companies can offer analysis of the engine oil. Such analysis
measures the oil's TBN (Total Base Number), TAN (Total Acid Number),
fuel dilution, water content, viscosity and the quantity of particles and soot in
the oil.
The result of a series of analyses is used as the basis for establishing a
suitable oil change interval.
If the conditions change, a new oil analysis programme must be carried out to
establish the new change interval.
Additives must not be used.
The oil should be suitable for all
temperature variations until the
next oil change.
40 °C
SAE 10W-30
SAE 20W-30
SAE 30
SAE 40
SAE 50
SAE 5W-30
SAE 15W-40