SCAIME Manual : NU-eNod4C-E-0418-196712-F.docx
Communication error and disconnection
When an eNod4 has communication problems or is disconnected, the data from other channels freezes for 5
seconds. During this time, a reconnection button appears, eNodTouch tries to recover the connection with
After 5 seconds if eNodTouch can not recover the connection with eNod4, the button enters in the state « eNod
disconnected », the data display resumes.
Identify the communication problem in the following list: wiring problem (§1.4), communication parameters
misconfigured on eNodTouch or eNod4 (§2.2.3).
When you found out the issue, touch the « eNod disconnected » button to re-establish the communication.
The display module tries to recover the communication with eNod4 during 1 second, the button toggles to the
« Reconnection » state. After 1 second if data from the eNod4 appears, the communication is re-established,
else the button toggles to « eNod disconnected » state.