Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Manual for PCD2|3.W7x0
│ Document 26-
833 E
NG07 │ 2018-10-18
1.2 Operation
The PCD2|3.W7x0 module with its associated weighing cells forms one or two
independent weighing systems with great precision and impressive functionality.
The weighing cells convert mechanical forces into electrical signals, which are
processed within the module and turned into physical units of weight.
All weighing cells based on the principle of resistance strain gauge bridges can be
connected to the weighing module. Various largely standardised force and weigh
ing cells are available on the market for force measurements and weighing appli
cations. With the PCD2|3.W7x0 module, several cells can be connected in parallel
to each channel, provided that they have the same electrical characteristics.
Principal applications
● The module is suitable for implementing platform, metering or batch scales,
e.g. with pellets, liquids etc., and for measuring forces in technical processes
● In commercial or safety-related applications, the whole system must be certified
by the authorities responsible, e.g. calibratable scales, overload protection etc.
Overview of functions
For taring, the current gross weight is defined as the zero setting.
After this, only additional net weights added to this are displayed.
After placing a check weight, the equipment is scaled.
Empty warning
If the scale remains at zero, an empty warning is displayed
Standstill signal
This signal is generated when a stable equilibrium is reached
Zero correction
The zero point can be tracked automatically
Diff. weighing
For continuous increases in weight, the increase per second can
be calculated and output
Error reporting
Wire breaks and overloads are displayed; cases where the axi
mum weight is hugely exceeded are captured and stored
Digital filters
Low-pass configurable from 0.01 to 4 seconds