Copyright © 2006 MCA Internet, LLC dba BERTL.
22 August 2006
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Page 44
Savin C2525
Scan Data Capture Productivity
Judging scan productivity is another difficult
task. The impact of the user on the overall
process will be largely determined by the
amount of work required at the initial scan
operation. If the scan operator is expected to enter copi-
ous amounts of metadata using the device touch screen
interface before hitting the scan start button, the overall
productivity is going to be governed more by the user-
friendliness of the interface rather than the scanner tech-
nology or transfer rate.
However, if the user is merely scanning a file to a precon-
figured location, the scan productivity can be measured
looking at two aspects: the time the user must wait until
they can return to their desk with originals in hand, and the
time they must wait before the files can be accessed.
BERTL looks at both of these factors across a selection of
scanning settings.
Scanning time is only one part of the time required to sup-
port image creation. Getting it to your destination is an-
other. The chart below shows the scanning time, and also
reflects something just as, if not more, important: the time
it takes to actually use this image. This is a frequently
overlooked aspect of scanning. There are differing time
elements in the actual scan side of the operation, but also
in the time to desktop.
BERTL’s test included different resolution settings (200
dpi and 300 dpi) as well as different capture levels: text
only and text/photo.
Scan Data Capture Productivity Results
Monochrome scanning showed negligible difference in
scanning time or data transfer speed between 200 dpi and
300 dpi scanning, with 200 dpi transferring marginally
faster due to the smaller file size.
The larger differences in productivity were experienced in
color scan mode. The Savin C2525 offers scanning in
compressed PDF mode, which reduces file size. This will
lower bandwidth concerns and reduce transfer times. Dur-
ing our tests, compressed PDF mode slowed scanning
speed from 38 opm to 26 opm. The file size was signifi-
cantly lower, allowing 48 full color pages to be scanned
into the device’s memory in 300 dpi, full-color, high com-
pressed PDF mode versus the 20 pages that 300 dpi, full-
color, non-compressed PDF offered.
So users can choose whether they want higher image
quality, fast scanning or lower-quality, lower file size scan-
ning but with more time spent at the device scanning origi-
Time in seconds
200 dpi text (mono)
200 dpi text/photo (mono)
300 dpi text (mono)
300 dpi text/photo (mono)
200 dpi text photo (color)
200 dpi text photo high
compression PDF (color)
Scan to File Productivity
Time to scan originals
Time to receive data at PC
Productivity tests performed on Savin MP
C3000 sister device with the same scanner as
the C2525.