MW-1000™ User Guide
™ (After Market Safety Device) platform is designed to provide V2X ITS engineers,
pilot operators and researchers flexibility to develop state of the art V2X applications. It is also
built for smart city applications. It can transmit and receive the signed or unsigned messages
such as Basic Safety Messages (BSM), receiving Map Data (MAP) message, Signal Phase and
Timing (SPaT) message and Traveler Information Message (TIM).
™ Supports the following protocol stack and other standards associated with DSRC for
vehicular communications:
IEEE 802.11p
IEEE 1609-1 through 1609-4
SAE J2735 MAR2016
SAE J2945/1
™ has a provision to test the interface, receive and load the new versions of software,
modify configurations, update credentials, and instructions to perform the login functions and
download the logged messages to an external device.
There may be variants of the MW-1xxx that are referred to in this document. The differences
between the MW-1000 and the variant will be highlighted where ever is necessary.