MW-1000™ User Guide
Will my configuration files get reset on upgrade?
MW-1000 configuration can get affected based on the upgrade-settings. Refer to step-9 in
'Firmware Upgrade Procedure Using the CLI' section for additional details on upgrade options
for retaining/over-writing the MW-1000 configuration files.
How do I copy an image file to OBU?
A new image file can be copied to MW-1000 using your terminal (in Linux environment) or
WinSCP (in windows) environment.
For additional details on how to install & use WinSCP refer to appendix section '9.1.1
Copying files from OBU to/from local-machine'.
For information on where to copy, please refer to step-4 of '8. Firmware Upgrade
Procedure Using the CLI' section.
How can I confirm if the download is complete, or the file is not update-file is not corrupted?
In case if you are in Linux-terminal. Once the scp command is completed. Try the following
command to confirm the file-transfer status:
> $? > 1 then echo "scp failed"
In windows environment, WinSCP gives a status box while-file transfer is in-progress. WinSCP
will alert you of any failed-transfer cases. If there is no-error prompt, assume successful file-
How do I check the current software version?
MW-1000 version number is given in SOBOS banner (Header information when you login into
MW-1000). The MW-1000 software version details are mentioned against 'SW_Release'. You
can also check the same via the following command:
> cat /etc/banner
How much time does it take to install an update? And how will I know if the update was
success or fail?
MW-1000 installation time varies from version to version. But in general, all MW-1000
installation/upgrades take less than 5-minutes. Post-installation, check-out the 'SW_Release'
details in the SOBOS header to confirm the update.
Where can I access new installation image?
Please refer to 'Latest Updates' section for details on accessing latest MW-1000 software
Can I reject all unsigned packets?
DSRC messages are accepted/rejected based on the Host-vehicle (HV) security setting.
If HV security setting is set as secured. HV will accept ONLY the secured/signed packets received
by it, and ignore/drop the unsecured/unsigned data-packets.
In case, if HV security setting is set as unsecured. HV would accept all the received
unsecured/unsigned packets, and ignore/drop all the secured/signed data.