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1 second Post- Ignition
The function is to keeps operation of ignition transformer until flame detector monitors and combustion flame is stable
after fuel supplied and ignited. Post-Ignition time is from the time of fuel supply till OFF time of ignition transformer.
2 seconds Post-Purge
The function is to exhaust the remained gas of combustion after flame extinguished when boiler stops. Post-Purge time is
from OFF time of fuel supply device till OFF time of fan.
Blower : 20
2 seconds / Pump : 60
6 seconds Safety Shut-Off (No Light-Up)
The function is to stops fuel supply for safety when the flame signal isn’t detected even though boiler’s blower is operated,
and Pre-Purge, Pre-Ignition done and fuel supplied. Safety shut-off time is from ON time of fuel supply device till OFF time
of fuel supply. At that time, ignition transformer is also OFF.
1 seconds Boiler Stopping by Safety Shut-Off
If fuel supply and ignition transformer is OFF by the function of safety shut-off, the restarting operation
repeats (operation of Pre-Purge, Pre-Ignition, Fuel supply, Flame detection, etc by a series of control sequence) and
counts their cycle. If the number of safety shut-off is 3 times in series, transmits ignition trouble signal to the temperature
controller and fan is OFF after Post–Purge done. (Only if water temperature in the pipe is more than 80
, fan and
pump operate.) Misfire (Flame Extinction or No Flame Detection) During Combustion
When misfire is monitored during combustion, stops fuel supply and performs the ignition operation by re-starting function
(Pre-Purge, Pre-Ignition, Fuel supply, Flame detection, etc by a series of control sequence) and counts their cycle. If the
number of fire loss is 10 times, fuel supply device is OFF and transmits the misfire signal to temperature controller, and
then fan is OFF after Post-Purge done. (Only if water temperature in the pipe is more than 80
, fan and pump
operate.) Flame Detection during Pre-Purge (The Early Pseudo Flame)
When monitored flame signal during Pre-Purge time, stops to be progress even though Pre-Purge done, and transmits
the pseudo flame signal to temperature controller after checking continuously for 3
1 seconds. Post-Purge performs in
series, and release automatically when pseudo flame is disappeared and then is returned the function as before. (Only if
circulation pump operate continuously until release the pseudo flame.) Combustion Stop / Flame Detection during Standby (The Last Pseudo Flame)
When extinguishes by stopping fuel supply and performs Post-Purge, transmits the pseudo flame signal to the
temperature controller if flame isn’t extinguish actually or the flame signal is monitored during waiting combustion and isn’t
disappear within 3
1 seconds. Post-Purge performs in series, and release automatically when pseudo flame is
disappeared and then is returned the function as before. (Only if circulation pump operate continuously until release the
pseudo flame.) Low Water Level, Normal Water Level
When the power of boiler is ON, monitors always water level from low water level and normal water level sensor. If
monitors low water level that water is not enough in the boiler, the boiler stops running. Auto water filling valve is ON and
filling a boiler with water after pump is OFF, and transmits low water level signal to the temperature controller. (If the boiler
is filled with water by normal water level, the signal is released automatically and returned the status as before.) Closed air
type boiler doesn’t use normal level sensor and the heating water flow switch is attached on the low water level sensor. If
pump operates and heating water flow switch is ON within 6
1 seconds, consider normal water level, and if heating
water flow switch is not ON, transmit abnormal status signal to temperature controller and pump is OFF and then
maintain this condition until restarting. (Only if water temperature in the pipe is more than 80
, fan operate.)