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H. Automatic Water Fill
Should the water level in the system drop too low, a sensor will automatically activate the re-fill circuit.
I. Freeze Protection
During the heating season, a sensor inside the boiler will automatically detect and initiate safe heating cycles to prevent internal
equipment damage from occurring should freezing temperatures surround the boiler.
Note !
- When there is no gas supply
available, the circulating pump will automatically start up to guard the pipes from freezing (available only in boilers equipped with a
circulation pump).
J. Gas Pressure Control
To prevent internal damage from rupture, each boiler is protected from occasional surges in gas pressure by a regulating governor
device located in the gas valve.
K. Short-Circuit Protection
Any short-circuits occurring inside the boiler’s electrical circuit will immediately ‘blow’ the internal glass fuse(s)
and automatically cut off the gas supply.
L. Lightening Protection
Each boiler is specially grounded inside and out to protect against lightening strikes.
M. Combustion air flow control
When the combustion airflow is disrupted due to a defective, obstructed or an abnormal back-pressure of the
flue, the combustion is shut off safely.
N. Thermostat Control Failure
Should the thermostat fail to function properly, as a safeguard, the boiler’s gas supply will be automatically shut