2 AOCD-260
The detector will report alarm:
after detecting a motion in the protected area by both sensors within a time period shorter
than 5 seconds (this alarm can only be reported in the active mode – see “Operating
after detecting a fault in the motion detection system,
after opening the tamper switch (tamper alarm).
Operating modes
– information about tamper alarm and motion detection alarm is sent immediately.
The microwave sensor is enabled after motion is detected by the infrared sensor.
– only information about tamper alarm is sent immediately. The microwave sensor is
disabled, therefore no alarm can be triggered after motion is detected. During periodical
communication, information on whether the PIR sensor detects motion is sent. This
operating mode prolongs the battery life.
The detector operating mode is turned on remotely. If the detector is used in the INTEGRA /
VERSA alarm system, the operating mode may depend on the partition state (partition
disarmed – passive mode; partition armed – active mode). For more information, refer to the
ABAX 2 / ABAX controller manual / the INTEGRA 128-WRL control panel manual.
Energy saving mode (ECO)
If you want to prolong the battery life, you can enable in the detector the “ECO” option. When
the “ECO” option is enabled, the periodical communication takes place every 3 minutes. Thus
the battery life can be increased as much as fourfold. The option is only available in the
ABAX 2 system. The detector with “ECO” option enabled meets requirements of the
EN50131-2-4 standard for Grade 2.
Test mode
The test mode makes the detector testing easier, because the LED indicator is enabled. How
to start and end the test mode is described in the ABAX 2 / ABAX controller manual / the
INTEGRA 128-WRL control panel manual.
The LED is flashing alternately red, green and blue for about 45 seconds from inserting the
battery, thus signaling the warm-up of the detector. The LED also works in the test mode, in
which it indicates:
periodical communication – short flash (80 milliseconds),
motion detected by the microwave sensor – green light for 4 seconds,
motion detected by the PIR sensor – blue light for 4 seconds,
alarm – red light for 2 seconds.
Supervision of motion detection system
When the motion detection system starts malfunctioning, the detector will report an alarm
during periodical communication. The alarm will keep going until the fault is cleared (long
Battery status control
When the battery voltage is below 2.75 V, information about low battery is sent during each