20 ACU-120
– the first output controls acoustic signaling, and the other one – optical signaling.
The command to start or stop the signaling is sent to the siren immediately. The acoustic
signaling stops after the maximum duration of acoustic signaling elapses, even if the
control output is still active. The optical signaling is active as long as the output is active.
– both outputs control acoustic and optical signaling. Thus two different,
independently triggered ways of signaling can be configured. As a result, the outputs can
separately control the optical and acoustic signaling or signal different alarm types (e.g.
burglary and fire). The command to start the signaling is sent to the siren only during the
response time. Therefore, the cut-off time for the control panel outputs which control the
siren must be longer than the response period. It is recommended that cut-off time
correspond to maximum duration of signaling programmed for the siren. The signaling
stops after the maximum duration of signaling elapses, even if the control output is still
The zones in the system to which the wireless sirens are assigned can be programmed as:
NC, NO or EOL – provides information about troubles (a trouble causes the zone
2EOL/NC or 2EOL/NO – provides information about troubles (a trouble causes the zone
violation) and about tamper.
The type of zones to which the wireless siren is assigned should be matched to the
information sent:
– first zone: low battery; second zone: tamper.
– first zone: low battery and tamper; second zone: external 12 V DC power loss
and tamper.
– both zones: low battery and tamper.
The tamper information is sent immediately, while the trouble information:
– during periodical transmission, which is sent every 15 minutes,
– during polling.
Tamper alarm on opening the tamper switch in the siren:
– lasts for the maximum duration of signaling programmed for the siren (sound type
selected during programming and optical signaling);
– lasts for the maximum duration of acoustic signaling programmed for the siren
(sound type selected during programming and optical signaling);
– lasts 3 minutes (sound type 1 and optical signaling).
Tamper signaling is blocked:
when the control panel is running in service mode,
when the ABAX system is running in test mode (ASP-105 and ASP-205),
for 10 minutes after connecting the battery (ASP-100),
for 40 seconds after power-on (ASP-105) / installing the battery (ASP-205).
It enables installation work to be carried out. Opening the tamper switch will not trigger
loud signaling, but information on tamper will be sent (when in service mode, the
control panel will not signal the tamper alarms). The command to block/unblock the
signaling connected with starting / ending the test mode or the service mode is sent
during the response time.
7.4.3 Wireless expanders of hardwired zones and outputs
The wireless expander of hardwired zones and outputs (ACX-200 or ACX-201) takes up 4
zones and 4 outputs in the system. The alarm system zone / output to which the zone /
output in ACX-200 or ACX-201 expander is assigned is programmed in the same way as the