22 ACU-280
APD-100 (APD-200)
– wireless passive infrared detector. You can configure sensitivity.
APD-100 (APD-200 Pet)
– wireless passive infrared detector with pet immunity up to
20 kg:
you can configure sensitivity,
do not configure the pet immunity option (the APD-200 Pet detector is always
immune to the movement of pets).
APMD-150 (APMD-250)
– wireless dual technology detector. You can configure:
sensitivity of the PIR sensor,
sensitivity of the microwave sensor,
manner of operation in the test mode.
ARD-100 (ARD-200)
– wireless reorientation detector. You can configure sensitivity.
ASD-150 (ASD-250)
– wireless smoke detector. You can configure:
option to indicate alarm from other ASD-250 detectors,
option to send alarm to other ASD-250 detectors.
ATD-100 (ATD-200)
– wireless temperature detector. You can configure the temperature
threshold parameters for both positions occupied by the detector (which enables two
different temperature thresholds to be programmed):
threshold type: high (when the temperature rises above the defined temperature,
alarm will be triggered) or low (when the temperature drops below the defined
temperature, alarm will be triggered),
AVD-100 (AVD-200)
– wireless shock detector and magnetic contact:
do not configure the magnetic contact settings [first zone] (the AVD-200 detector
does not have two reed switches).
for the shock detector [second zone]:
you can configure sensitivity (registering a shock meeting the sensitivity criterion
will trigger alarm),
do not configure the number of shocks (the AVD-200 detector does not count up
the shocks).
ASP-100 (ASP-200)
– wireless outdoor siren. You can configure:
type of acoustic signaling,
maximum duration of signaling.
ASP-205 (ASP-215)
– wireless indoor siren. You can configure the signaling parameters
for both positions occupied by the siren (which enables two different types of signaling
to be programmed):
maximum duration of signaling,
type of acoustic signaling,
optical signaling option.
ASW-100 (ASW-200)
– wireless 230 V AC controller. You can select operating mode.
– flush-mounted wireless two-channel 230 V AC controller. You can select the
operating mode of the controller inputs.
[Filter] – the number of consecutive communication periods without connection
between the device and the controller after which loss of communication with the device
will be reported. You can enter values from 0 to 50. Entering 0 disables the check for
device presence in the system.