The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
P. (+1) 215.322.6063
F. (+1) 215.322.8498
Troubleshooting (continued)
If all of the LEDs are functioning normally, but a time signal is not reaching your clocks, check the
wiring between the converter box and the clocks. If the wiring is sound, compare the number and
position of the clocks you installed to the “Converter Box Table” at the beginning of this manual.
If the Overheat LED turns on and remains steadily on for a period longer than five
, then the interior of the converter box has exceeded the temperature threshold. When
this happens, Pulse and Overheat will remain active/on, but all other LEDs on the front panel
should turn off. Give the converter box five minutes to cool down, then press the reset switch.
If the solid red light reappears, check to confirm that the air vent is not blocked, and that the
converter box has been installed in a room-temperature environment.
If both conditions have been proven true, and the red Overheat LED turns on and remains on a
third time, contact Tech Support.
If, at any point, you reset the device by disconnecting and reconnecting the converter box from
its power source, and the red Overheat LED remains on, contact Tech Support.
If the FAN ACTIVE LED never turns on
the Overheat LED activates and remains on, your
converter box fan may be having a mechanical problem. Contact Tech Support.
If the converter box is powered, the Overcurrent and Overheat LEDs are off, and either
the 24V LED or the Pulse LED remains completely dark
, contact Tech Support.
A colored circle indicates that the
LED in question is steadily on.
A black circle with a dashed halo
indicates that the LED in question
is blinking on and off.
A black circle alone indicates that
the LED in question is off.