3. Setting only Solar as charger source priority.
Solar energy will be the only charger source no matter utility is available or not.
4. Setting only Solar and Utility as charger source priority.
4.1 When utility is normal
Solar energy and utility will charge battery at the same time.
4.2 When utility is down
Solar energy will charge battery.
Whether setting which option as charger source priority subject to purpose of
installing the product. In the event the product is to be installed in areas where the
utility power is unstable and backup function is much important than energy saving,
Solar and Utility or Utility shall be set as charger source priority.
If the product is to be installed in areas with stable utility power and strong sunlight,
and energy saving is more concerned than backup function, solar first or only solar
shall be set as priority, and set the maximum utility charging current as small
current as possible (program 7), for example: 2A.