S&C Instruction Sheet 695-510
S&C Vista SD Underground Distribution Switchgear operates at high voltage .
Failure to
observe these precautions will result in serious personal injury or death.
Some of these precautions may differ from your company’s operating procedures and rules .
Where a discrepancy exists, follow your company’s operating procedures and rules .
Safety Precautions
1. Qualified Persons. Access to the Vista SD Underground
Distribution Switchgear must be restricted only to qualified
persons .
2. Safety Procedures. Always follow safe operating
procedures and rules . Always maintain proper clearance
from energized components .
3. Personal Protective Equipment. Always use suitable
protective equipment such as rubber gloves, rubber mats,
hard hats, safety glasses, and arc-flash clothing in
accordance with safe operating procedures and rules .
4. Doors. High-voltage compartment doors must be securely
closed and latched with padlocks in place at all times
unless work is being performed inside the enclosure .
5. Key Interlocks. Optional key interlocks, if furnished,
must be in place . Check the operating sequence of the key
interlocks to verify proper sequencing . After the switchgear
is installed, destroy all duplicate keys or make them
accessible only to authorized persons so the key-interlock
scheme will not be compromised .
6. Opening Doors. Do not apply any undue force when
attempting to open a door . The use of undue force may
damage the door-latching mechanism .
7. Safety Labels. Do not remove or obscure any of the
” labels .
8. Energized Bushings. Always assume the bushings are
energized unless proven otherwise by test, by visual
evidence of an open-circuit condition at the load-interrupter
switch or fault interrupter, or by observing that the load-
interrupter switch or fault interrupter is grounded .
9. Backfeed. Bushings, cables, load-interrupter switches,
and fault interrupters may be energized by backfeed .
10. Grounding.
• Vista SD switchgear must be connected to a suitable
earth ground before energizing and at all times when
energized .
• The ground wire(s) must be bonded to the system
neutral, if present . If the system neutral is not present,
proper precautions must be taken to ensure the local
earth ground cannot be severed or removed .
• After the switchgear has been completely discon-
nected from all sources of power and tested for voltage,
properly ground the load-interrupter switches and fault
interrupters before touching any bushings or compo-
nents that are to be inspected, replaced, serviced, or
repaired .
11. Load-Interrupter Switch or Fault-Interrupter Position.
• Always confirm the
Open/Closed position of the load-
interrupter switch or fault interrupter by visually observing
the position of the isolating disconnect .
• The load-interrupter switch or fault interrupter may be
energized by backfeed .
• The load-interrupter switch or fault interrupter may be
energized in any position .
12. Maintaining Proper Clearance . Always maintain proper
clearance from energized components .