S&C Instruction Sheet 515-600 35
No routine maintenance is recommended for the S&C Micro-AT Source-Transfer
Control other than an occa sional operational test—in the manner described on pages
30 through 31—about once per year to verify that the con trol and its associated switch
operators are operational.
Occasionally, check functioning of the lamps, display, and keypad in the manner
described on page 28. Function ing of the lamps may also be checked at any time by
press ing and holding for approximately 5 seconds the TEST menu key.
An odd-looking clock display is an indication that the clock battery requires replace-
ment. Refer to the clock battery specifications on page 37.
The Micro-AT CPU Card battery should be replaced every 10 years. Catalog num-
ber TA-2299 is available from S&C.
S&C Instruction Sheet 515-526 describes CPU card battery replacement.
Should an operating problem be experienced with the Micro-AT control, refer to the
troubleshooting guide in Instruction Sheet 515-520. Instructions for replacing a circuit card
or front panel assembly of a Micro-AT control are provided in Instruction Sheet 515-525.
Spare circuit cards and front panel assemblies are listed in the “Appendix” on page 42.