36 S&C Instruction Sheet 515-600
Table 7. Optional Features
Suffix Added to
Control Catalog
Overcurrent lockout—For Use with Fisher Pierce Series 1301 Powerflex Line Post
Current Sensors . Prevents an automatic-transfer operation that would close a
switch into a fault . Includes facilities for external reset
Remote indication . Includes provisions for remote monitoring of presence or
absence of source voltages,
Manual or Automatic operating mode, status of the
READY indicator, EVENT indicator, and (if furnished)
Overcurrent Lockout feature
Test panel . Permits the use of an external, adjustable three-phase source to verify,
through independent measurement, the response of the control to
Phase Unbalance, and Overcurrent Lockout conditions
Supervisory control . Includes facilities for switch operation from a remote location
Communications card . Permits local uploading of “events” and settings from the
Micro-AT control to a user-furnished personal computer, as well as downloading of
the user’s standard operating parameters
Pole mounting bracket with Hardware
Three user-furnished Fisher Pierce Series 1301
Powerflex Line Post Current Sensors are required
for each source . The lockout level of the source-
transfer control is factory-set at 1200 amperes, but
may be field-adjusted to any value between 200
and 1500 amperes; the setting chosen should take
into account the emergency peak-load current of
the system, so as to preclude nuisance lockouts .
Requires a Windows® 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP, or
Windows 7 32-Bit operating system . A Windows 7
64-Bit Operating System must be run in
XP mode
(only available for Professional and Ultimate oper-
ating systems) . A USB-to-serial adapter must be
used if the computer does not have a serial port .
Requires S&C Communication Cable cata-
log number TA-2320 or TA-2321 . See Table 8 on
page 37 .
The basic catalog number may be suffixed to specify one or more optional features,
in accordance with the fol lowing table:
Table 6. Catalog Number of Micro-AT Source-Transfer Control—in Weatherproof
Primary-Selective System Application
Catalog Number
Two-way source transfer using two Type AS-1A or Type AS-10 Switch Operators
For steel structure mounting . For pole mount-
ing, the optional pole mounting bracket should be
specified . See Table 7 .
Switch operators must utilize 115-Volt 60-Hertz
or 230-Volt 60-Hertz motor and control voltage and
be furnished with optional source-trans fer control
compatibility, catalog number suffix “-U1 .”