S&C Instruction Sheet 761-505
STEP 16.
Insert the upper end of this pipe section in the
lowest rod guide or—if only one vertical oper-
ating-pipe section is used—the bell-crank cou-
pling and, while holding the operating handle at
a point approximately 20 degrees from the
position, torque the rod guide (or bell-
crank) coupling clamp bolt. See Figure 18.
Do not tighten the piercing set screw at the top of
the lowest section of vertical operat
ing-pipe until
satisfactory operating handle adjustment is attained.
STEP 17.
Fasten the free end of the grounding strap to the
lowest vertical operating-pipe section a few
inches above the operating handle assem bly
with the U-bolt connector provided for this
purpose. See Figure 19. Then, connect the lower
end of the strap to a suitable earth ground, using
the grounding connector pro vided at that end of
the strap.
The grounding recommendations described in this document may
differ from the standard operating and safety procedures of cer tain
electric utility companies. Where a discrepancy exists, the operating
procedures of the electric utility apply.
Figure 18. Installing the lowest operating pipe section into the
rod guide.
Figure 19. Attaching the grounding strap.
Lowest section of
vertical operating pipe